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This is a list of the most common procedures we perform every day. If you do not see your child’s procedure listed, please contact us. Our specialists can perform most outpatient pediatric surgeries. 

Ear, Nose and Throat

  • Adenoidectomy: The surgical removal of the adenoids: small gland in the back of the throat.
  • Myringotomy with tube: Commonly known as “ear tube surgery.” A tiny incision is made in the eardrum, and a small tube is inserted. Learn more about this procedure here.
  • Myringoplasty: repairing a hole in the eardrum.
  • Nasal Endoscopy with culture: A small viewing tube inserted into the nose to allow doctors to obtain culture samples and evaluate conditions. Our endoscopes are made specifically for pediatric use, and patients are asleep for this procedure.
  • Nasal Endoscopy with cautery: A small endoscopic tube is inserted into the nose and the affected area is cauterized to reduce or eliminate chronic nosebleeds.
  • Removal Impacted Cerumen: The removal of impacted ear wax. Children are asleep for this procedure.
  • Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy: The surgical removal of the tonsils and adenoids.
  • Tonsillectomy: The surgical removal of the tonsils.


  • Dental Restoration: Surgical procedures to repair or limit damage and restore primary or permanent teeth in children and adolescents. Children are asleep for this procedure.
  • Dental Extraction: The removal of a primary tooth due to damage, decay, or an impacted permanent tooth. Children may be asleep for this procedure.


  • Colonoscopy with biopsy: A small, flexible tube with a camera attached is inserted into the anus to evaluate the large bowel. Biopsies will be obtained. We use special equipment specifically for pediatrics, and patients are asleep for this procedure. Learn more about this procedure here.
  • EGD with biopsy: An upper endoscopy with biopsy, involves passing a long, flexible tube with an attached camera through the mouth to examine the esophagus, stomach and the first part of the small intestine. Our endoscopes are made specifically for pediatric use, and patients are asleep for this procedure. 

General Surgery

  • Circumcision: The removal of a fold of skin that covers the glans (head) of the penis.
  • Inguinal hernia repair: A procedure to correct an inguinal hernia--when tissue pushes through a weak spot in the groin muscle.
  • Umbilical hernia repair: A procedure to correct an umbilical hernia, which occurs when tissue pushes through a hole in the abdominal wall at the belly button.
  • Pilonidal cyst: The draining or removal of a small cyst located at the end of the tailbone. Children may be asleep for this procedure.


  • Eye Muscle Repair: Also known as “eye muscle surgery” seeks to correct strabismus (crossed eyes). The surgeon will remove or cut and re-attach a section of the eye muscle affected, to strengthen or weaken it as needed. Learn more about this procedure here.
  • Lacrimal Duct Probing and Irrigation: The assessment and cleaning of the drainage system from the tear duct to the sinus cavity. Children are asleep for this procedure.

In order to schedule an appointment for your child’s procedure, you will need to contact your surgeon’s office directly.

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